Tag music

How can Art Music and Literature Influence Society

How can Art Music and Literature Influence Society

Culture is incomplete without the contributions of the arts, especially music and literature. Its effects on culture are distinct from one another. Art music and literature are two of society’s most significant parts. Each of them has a unique impact…

How To Teach Music To Toddlers?

How To Teach Music To Toddlers?

In 1983, Howard Gardner, a well-known American psychologist, published “Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences”. He proposed in that said book that the term “intelligence” has three distinct uses. One of which is that it is a “property…

How To Develop Interest In Music?

How To Develop Interest In Music?

A person is a unique being who is capable of developing anything he intends to be developed, from skills, ability, habits, to interest. An interest is a great driver and motivator. It adds joy to one’s life and often the…
