Category Life

What Is The Difference Between Culture And Lifestyle?

What Is The Difference Between Culture And Lifestyle?

Difference between Culture and Lifestyle In this discussion, we shall delve on the difference between culture and lifestyle. Culture and lifestyle are always misunderstood to be the same but they are two entirely different concepts. However, culture and lifestyle are…

Is Passion Important in Life?

Is Passion Important in Life?

Passion is so vital in every aspect of one’s life. It is significant in achieving success in career, in family life, in business, even in leadership. Passion in an intangible force that drives a person toward success and happiness. It…

What Is life Without Passion?

What Is life Without Passion?

Introduction We all love doing something, especially when we are good at it. When we were kids, we all had activities we preferred because it is what we want to be when we grow up. We love to sing or…

Does Music Reduce Loneliness?

Does Music Reduce Loneliness?

Based on definition, music is an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color while loneliness is a feeling of sadness which occurs when a person’s…

How To Teach Music To Toddlers?

How To Teach Music To Toddlers?

In 1983, Howard Gardner, a well-known American psychologist, published “Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences”. He proposed in that said book that the term “intelligence” has three distinct uses. One of which is that it is a “property…
