I was about 9 years old when I started. My dad’s acoustic guitar interested me at that time. Unfortunately, it has been gone for some time now.
I was, I think, barely 7 years old when my dad bought said guitar from a certain mall after we watched the Transformers’ movie way back then.
When we got that, it was for my father’s use. He wanted to re-ignite his interest in guitar-playing. He was a former band member during his college days, according to him.
I never thought I would eventually hold and play the same.
However, truth to be told, after watching him for quite sometime, and how he played the guitar, it piqued my interest.
So, whenever he was not using it, I would grab it and try to hit the strings. Of course, those were devastating sounds, a “charivari” if you may call them.
Guitar was Big for my Size
As I have said a while ago, I was only 7 years old when my dad purchased that musical thing. It was a standard size acoustic guitar. First, I was watching him. Then, I found myself playing it.
Since I was constantly trying to hit the strings, thus, producing discordant tunes, he eventually noticed me, and perhaps my interest in the instrument.
Hence, my father bought another acoustic guitar, this time, a smaller one. I was glad, and the same intensified further my interest to learn and eventually play it correctly.
Start of the Newfound Interest
At first, he taught me the basics. The fundamental chords and strumming. I was then fond of the song “Tribute” by Tenacious D during that period.
Once I was able to get used to the feeling of the fret board, yet, still with difficulty in synchronizing the strumming aspect, I started to try learning the song. I found some Youtube tutorials and chords from Goodle to try and learn them.
I practiced a lot to the point of finally completing the chord progression. It was a pretty tough song for a 10-year old with tiny fingers but hey, I did it.
My father was also elated, and we were playing along with my brother who was almost 4 years old then.
How Hard is it to Learn Guitar
Everyone’s different. Some may learn fast; some are slow graspers; and we cannot discount also those who will procrastinate. In my own journey, as I will mention below, I went through learning process.
I learned my way around the guitar by myself using the internet and just learning my favorite songs by ear. Initially, my dad guided me. However, since he was busy with his work, he only managed to teach me the fundamentals, which I believe is inevitably required.
I could say that it was very hard inceptively. But if you’ve got the passion and a good mindset, you can pretty much get better in no time. Your skills will eventually improve as you practice. Of course, it goes without saying “appropriate practice” and “proper techniques”.
Timing is also important. In as much as it was challenging to improve and hone your finger style, it is equally difficult to perfect the timing. You have to practice to a metronome (Something I always forget to do) and continuously listening to music and their rhythms and melodies.
One Giant Leap
At some point, I felt the need to improve and get better just see how far I could go with the instrument. I continuously and consistently practiced nearly everyday. It was pretty hard, especially learning new songs and techniques. It was a huge leap for me.
That simple song that I learned made me realize that everything will be possible in due time. Yet, although achievable, you should still put hard work into it to learn and refine the skills.
Nonetheless, the intensified enthusiasm and the will to advance, and make progress, kept me going. Even until now, I carried that simple optimism. It guided me to have a focused strategy in constantly discovering the pieces to hone my skills.
It didn’t come overnight. Yet, I said to myself I should be dedicated if I really wanted to get to the next level.
First Electric Guitar
I had my first electric guitar in 2012. It was a pretty cheap local guitar that was based on the Les Paul’s design . My very supportive Dad felt that I could progress a lot more with that guitar.
So, he listened to my request for an electric guitar, and of course, an amplifier. I didn’t get any pedals though even if I wanted, and was only using the amplifier’s built-in distortion, which is pretty much how everyone starts out, along with playing punk/death metal songs and power chords through a cheap and tiny bedroom amplifier.
Since the guitar was relatively cheap, it lasted only for 2 and a half years. Early in 2015, I got my red Ibanez that’s always in my videos because I wanted to play the same thing Herman Li played and so I could do some sick whammy bar tricks. I still use the first amplifier I got though and mainly record using amp sims.
Thankful to the Process
I genuinely believe that everyone can be good at anything, depending on one’s perseverance, determination, and the humility to learn, without pride. This is applicable in the guitar-learning-progression, which I personally experienced.
Learning is a process. In general, there is no overnight success, especially in perfecting a certain skill. The process, therefore, is the vehicle to your destination.
Success will eventually come when you go through the process and hurdle the challenges of that “process”. Every step will be a learning experience.
Watching my youtube channel, most of the earliest videos that I have uploaded were more metal and shred-y. I used to really dig metallica and dragonforce and still do bump them sometimes.
These songs have played a huge role in my desire to get better. You never stop trying to learn new things. Subsequently, you will observe further improvements. These things happened in my journey; hence, I am sharing them to you.
Things to Remember
No matter how difficult a certain task, or a skill to be learned, is, every one can make progress doing the same. Every one can develop it over time.
The initial stage is daunting. Nevertheless, if you really believe you can do it [and believe in yourself you will], with proper training, practice, and somehow guidance from those who are ahead, nothing is impossible.
Refining the skill is equally important as the wisdom that you may get from those individuals whom you think can help you attain your goals.
Do not be prideful. Do not let your pride and arrogance take the better of you as a person. There are pitfalls along the way but you have to learn from your mistakes.
I was once a novice; everybody, most certainly, will be a novice when it comes to learning new things. No one has the monopoly of knowledge; it is just perfecting your learning and skills for that matter.
As we embark on our journey to learn new things, in my case, when I first tried to figure out how to play the guitar, we need to set our minds that, aside from believing in yourself that you can do it, you like and want to do the same.
It is short of saying, “you must have the passion to do it”, and the will to re-invent and re-define the same. It is the fire that will keep on burning within you.
Passion should never wane down, as that situation will be the killer of your goals. Do not let that happen, if you really want to achieve something.
While it is easy to say that I like it, yet, watch out for exhaustion, little to no advancement, and other perceived negative situation, as these may have the effect of toning down your interest and negate everything that you just have accomplished.
The key is focus, coupled with determination. Having this mindset, you can attain something rather than nothing.
That’s all homies. Kindy be comfortable in navigating my website. I will continuously update this and provide you with insights, stories, helpful topics, and materials.
This is very inspiring and you are very talented.