How Is Art Related To Creativity?

There is thin line connection between Art and creativity. Simply put, an art is a product of creativity of the mind. Some would say Art is the output of creativity. the result of the way the mind thinks. Art is…
There is thin line connection between Art and creativity. Simply put, an art is a product of creativity of the mind. Some would say Art is the output of creativity. the result of the way the mind thinks. Art is…
Sleep is very important because it recharges your mind and body after a tiring and productive day. Everyone deserves a rest and a good sleep. Unfortunately, there are times that we encounter sleepless nights maybe because of our personal problems,…
Admittedly, most people use the terms “genre” and “style” correspondently. This is not a problem, unless production and/or creativity is to speak of. Knowing the difference between the two would open doors to people to polish their piece and to…
Christian songs playing in the background, gentle rain sounds can be heard outside while I am writing down this article. Just like any typical Sunday, sounds of music can be heard in our house. Whether it be old good 70s…
The world is a diverse and complex combination of all things different. It is like finding a common denominator. Some share a common food; some share the same tradition; and some even share the same arts. Music is one of…
Based on definition, music is an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color while loneliness is a feeling of sadness which occurs when a person’s…
In 1983, Howard Gardner, a well-known American psychologist, published “Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences”. He proposed in that said book that the term “intelligence” has three distinct uses. One of which is that it is a “property…
Music plays a very indispensable role in our lives. It makes everything better and it gives things life. Music serves as a gateway for people to temporarily escape reality and indulge themselves in their sweet fantasies where they can be…
A person is a unique being who is capable of developing anything he intends to be developed, from skills, ability, habits, to interest. An interest is a great driver and motivator. It adds joy to one’s life and often the…
At the outset, it must be noted that guitar playing is a skill. It is the capability of a person that can captivate human eyes at the first instance. Adolescents, teens, early adults, or even girls at their mid 20s…