Is Passion Important in Life?

Passion is so vital in every aspect of one’s life. It is significant in achieving success in career, in family life, in business, even in leadership. Passion in an intangible force that drives a person toward success and happiness. It is a powerful energy that results to breakthrough. Impossible things become possible.

A person can only reach his fullest potential when he is passionate in doing something. He can surpass others when he is so dedicated in doing it. Most probably he will excel in the field in line with his passion.

For instance, an Olympian cannot win the gold or even finish the race when he has only trained in a mediocre manner, coupled with the lack of passion in his sports endeavor.

No matter how good an athlete is, he will be surpassed by someone who has been passionate toward achieving his goals, even though at first his skill sets are average, to say the least. Skills can be trained but passion must be there to spark the fire of learning.

A problem arises when, in the first place, the person does not know yet where or what he is passionate about. It is like riding in a vehicle not knowing where to go.

Finding a passion is a worthwhile journey. Not all may be able to come to that destination. Some found it earlier in their lives while others are in endless quest of finding it.

A person should search within himself and should not stop finding his passion because, through that, he can find his purpose. He needs to appreciate and realize how passion will impact his life as a whole.

Why is passion important for success?

Success is relative in every individual. Some persons equate success to acquired money, power, fame, and authority. Others consider having good health, good relationship, being able to enjoy their lives and do what they love, a success.

Regardless of whatever a person considers a success, he has to have a drive to achieve it. Normally, a person pursues what he is passionate about and that is one way of making him fulfilled and contented, hence, a relative success to him

One of the importance of passion in achieving success is that it will make a person committed toward attaining that goal, no matter how hard the obstacles that will come his way.

There is no easy way towards success. Nevertheless, he will whole-heartedly endure the hardship because he loves what he is doing. He does not see himself taking another path or doing another thing.

Second, having passion will make the journey toward success less burdensome. When a person does what he loves and appreciates doing, it is like he is not working at all.

He does not seek immediate result because he is enjoying the journey. Most of the time, he will not bother how much time he spent doing that thing he enjoyed the most.

Third, having passion influences others. When other persons see the desire, dedication, and hard work of a person towards achieving his goal, most like, they will help him with his endeavor.

Help of others is vital in achieving success. On the other hand, they themselves might be encouraged to do what they are also passionate about. Having that reverberating passion is contagious.

Is passion important in a career?

Yes, definitely passion is important in career. Here are the reasons why: First, career is a lifetime endeavor. It is better for a person to align his career with his passion so that he will not mind spending his lifetime doing it.

At the end of his years, he can truly say that he lives his life to the fullest. He will possibly be fulfilled. Based on research, a person is much happier when his is doing what he loves.

Second, he will have a stable career. Meaning, he will not shift from one work to another because he is already passionate in his line of work. As a result, he will be established in the field.

He will not easily give up on his career when things get tough. Most importantly, he can maximize his skills and ability which is needed in his chosen field. When a person enjoys what he does, he usually exerts his full effort, talent, and abilities.

Some people let go of their passions thinking that it is only secondary from survival. For example, a person is passionate in arts. However, he thinks that he will not sufficiently earn from it and as consequence he cannot provide for his family, thus, he did not pursue a career related to it. He might go to corporate to be an office employee.

There are a lot of stories like this, and it always ends with regret or somehow discontentment. What happened is, no matter how far they go, they still go back to what they really love.

Usually they do it during their retirement. This scenario is tragic. One should be courageous to fight for what he is passionate about.

Why is passion important in business?

Passion is important in business for many reasons. Business is not an easy undertaking. It takes effort, resources, and time to make it work. If a person is not passionate about it, he will not be able to bounce back when the business goes down.

He will not become patient in creating strategic plan, implementing it, or taking alternatives if the first one did not work. He will simply give up on the business and let go of the opportunity.

On the other hand, if the person is passionate about it, even if he incurs losses on his first try, he will give it another try because he believes that it will eventually succeed.

Second, the business should also be aligned with the passion of the person because, more often than not, he is knowledgeable about it when he is passionate about it.

Normally, one becomes passionate with the things he knows he is good at. If he is passionate about the business, he will know how to conduct the business very well.

Lastly, the business will have competitive advantage. When a person is passionate in the conduct of the business, he will surely equip himself as well as the business to cope up with the competition in the market.

He will employ means so that his business will be established and will be known by many customers. When the customers will see the passion in him, it might attract them.

To illustrate, you are selling food products, when the customers see that you are very eager to serve them and improve your products for them, you will surely gain the customers’ loyalty.

How do I find my passion for a certain purpose?

In order for a person to find passion in a certain endeavor, he need to understand the relevance of such endeavor. He needs to identify its advantages and the benefits it can give in the long run.

Everything can be learned, even having passion for certain purpose. It can be developed consciously. For a better scenario, in law profession, one might just be motivated with money.

However, when he will look at the other perspectives of the profession such as its impact toward other people, his passion possibly will shift toward advocating the rights or serving justice to other people rather than gaining material benefit from the profession.

Second, he needs to emerge himself toward that purpose. He need to do the work. No one will become passionate about something when he does not even attempt to do it. He need to do it firsthand.

He can try doing new things and observing others who are into that endeavor and see how happy they became. He need to be with people who are also passionate toward that purpose.

Again, passion is contagious. If he is the one who is less interested about it, he should let himself be influenced why passionate people around him.

Lastly, he should not stop trying. Developing a passion toward certain thing is not an easy task. It needs a conscious effort to love what you do.

Why is passion important in leadership?

First, before a person can lead others, he need to become self-leader. He will not be an effective self-leader when passion is not seen in him. If he cannot motivate or discipline himself, how can he motivate or discipline others?

That person will only become hypocrites in the eyes of those who are supposed to follow him. He need to lead by example. Having passion is one of the example he need to show.

Second, when he has passion toward effective leadership, he will manage his people well and respect the diversity of your members. He becomes more open toward the interests of others. Leadership is never looking at one self but toward others.

Lastly, passion lightens the load of the team. When everybody loves what they do, they will become more eager to achieve it in a short period of time. The main purpose of leadership is to achieve the goal of the teams.

Closing Perspective

A person might be contended doing things other than what he is passionate about, finding and doing his passion is priceless. Passion is fuel to one’s life. Surely, one’s endeavor becomes tough along the way.

It is passion that will keep him in tract. A person who is glued with passion cannot easily be plucked from the ground. It is important that he possess it in his life journey because through it, he will not look back with regrets because he became fulfilled and contented in life.

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